quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2016

South African National Day

In 1994, a new South Africa was born because of Nelson Mandela, the black South African leader, who stayed in prison for 27 years to fight for the end of apartheid (the racial segregation regime). He won the first free elections after three centuries of discrimination by the white against the black.
Finally, that came to an end. It was a new beginning for the country called “Rainbow Nation” by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the first black Archbishop of South Africa, because “Rainbow Children of God” was used to refer for the first time to all the people of South Africa, independently of their colour.

For centuries, the white European settlers from three different countries had fought each other over the right to control that vast territory that, in their opinions, belonged to them. During that time, they discovered gold and diamond mines and put the local tribes to work in the mines, while they enjoyed the richness that was found.
So, 27th April 1994 was considered Freedom Day because it was the first day when black people could vote. Therefore, they celebrate it with a large festival of music of many different styles.

Fátima Carolina Fernandes, 8º4

South African National Day

South African National Day

We, Portuguese, have just celebrated our Freedom Day on the 25th April.

Similarly, on 27th April, in South Africa, people commemorate their Freedom Day. On that day South Africans celebrate freedom and the first post-apartheid elections. It is part of the twelve public holidays in that country. According to Nelson Mandela, every South African across the planet feels the pain in their hearts about the apartheid, which was a dark period for South Africa and rejoices about finding freedom to be allowed to be themselves.

Matthew Guille, 8º4

segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2016

How to Be a Good Friend

Recipe on how to be good friend


·  A dozen secrets  
·        A pinch of love
·        A box of trust
·        A slice of fun moments
·        A little piece of lies 

First, beat a dozen secrets and spread a pinch of love.
After that, add a box of trust to the previous mixture and mix it.
Immediately chop the slice of fun moments.
Melt the little piece of lies in the microwave.
After seven minutes, mix everything together and bake at 500 degrees during for a lifetime.
Serve this to your best friend. 


domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

Lista de Classificados - Reading Contest

Procedeu-se à entrega dos prémios aos alunos no âmbito do Concurso de Leitura no dia 18 de março, pelas 12:30 na biblioteca da nossa escola. Este concurso foi uma da atividades dinamizadas por altura do Dia do Inglês.

Segue-se a lista dos alunos premiados nas categorias de Native Speakers (alunos oriundos de países de expressão inglesa) e Non Native Speakers (alunos portugueses). Os nossos alunos estão de parabéns!